
About CfED


Our Vision and Values

CfED will strive to be a centre of excellence and the ‘go to’ in the Borough in matters of equality and diversity

CfED will provide a haven for all our diverse communities who need it

CfED will provide a voice for all our marginalised and excluded communities who struggle to be heard.

We will do this with our central values of caring, compassion, integrity, and honesty

Our Strategic aims and priorities

Provide an advisory role to local public bodies on the responsibilities of their General and Public Sector Equality Duty under the Equality Act 2010.

Help to reduce health inequalities in the borough, particularly post covid, by:

  • ensuring the health needs of disadvantaged communities are identified and met by providers
  • forging close strategic partnerships with public health providers and commissioning groups throughout the borough
  • active membership of local committees and groups
  • participation in the Community Transformation Programme due to come onstream for the borough in 2023/24.

Reduce inequalities in housing for communities by working closely with housing providers to ensure the housing needs of our disparate communities are identified and met.

Reduce discrimination in employment and across the range of public and private sector employers by supporting or signposting, those employees belonging to the nine protected characteristic groups under the Equality Act 2010 and working with employers.

Contribute to fostering good relations and community cohesion by maintaining close working relationships with all local agencies working in the field and through active membership of relevant statutory groups and boards which bring together the range of agencies.

Reduce inequalities in education by working with families and individuals, and liaising with educational establishments to:

  • continue to actively support and refer College learners
  • nurture and collaborate on the shared commitment to celebrate the culture, diversity, and inclusion at the heart of ESOL

Remove language or structural gaps, acting as the focus point between our marginalised and disadvantaged communities and statutory services in the borough.

Build on the positive outcomes of the independent review of the Community Hub model.

Continue to make concerted efforts to secure long term and sustainable funding to enable us to achieve our strategic aims and priorities.

To read our governing document, past annual reports and financial statements click on relevant link below.

Recent quotes from service users and beneficiaries of our services;

‘Excellent event on Tuesday, very good turn out and powerful messages.’ – Paul

‘You should be proud of what the project is achieving.’ – Jane

‘Just wanted to congratulate you all at CfED for an excellent event last night. The entertainment was great and it was good to see so many dignitaries.’ – Karen